
The Center participates in the inaugural festival of the Franklin Township Cultural Arts Council.
Annual meeting provided many opportunities for networking and professional development.
Michelle Tucker Chubenko and Michael Buryk share their genealogy research expertise.
On Saturday, October 27, the UkrHEC presented an exhibit of archival materials and art work related Ukrainian immigration and the Holodomor in Carnegie, PA.
The UkrHEC 2012 genealogy workshop gets a write-up in the Metropolitan Archivist, the newsletter of the Archivist's Roundtable of Metropolitan New York (ART).
As part of its ongoing educational outreach, the UkrHEC hosted a presentation yesterday by family history researcher Michael Buryk.
On March 26, the UkrHEC and the Franklin Township Library co-sponsored a lecture and demonstration by New York pysanka master Sofika Zielyk.
The Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of NJ joins the Brooklyn Public Library and the US National Archives in contributing materials related to immigration and migration.
Our director presented an overview of Ukrainian history and culture for a university class in Cultural Anthropology.
As part of our educational mission, our archivist participated last week in a symposium sponsored by the Archivists' Roundtable of New York.


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