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Screenshot of project home page

The UHEC is proud to announce the completion of the first phase of its project on the history of Ukrainian immigrants (and their descendents) in the State of New Jersey, which covers the period up to but not including the mass wave of post-World War II refugees. Despite there being Ukrainians living in New Jersey in measurable numbers since the 1880s, there has been a surprising lack of historical secondary sources on their history.

Posted: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Stefan Maksymjuk speaking at the Solomiia Krushel'nyts'ka Museum in 1995

It is with great sadness that we learned yesterday of the passing of the UHEC's very dear associate and donor Stefan Maksymjuk, who passed away in the early morning of April 10, 2024. Those of you who follow the UHEC's work will know that he donated his extremely large collection of Ukrainian recorded sound to the UHEC Archives beginning in 2016.

Posted: 11 months 2 weeks ago
Screen shot of Voice of America Ukrainian Service web page

On Saturday, November 18, correspondent Iryna Solomko from the Voice of America Ukrainian Service ("Holos Ameryky") visited the UHEC to interview director Natalia Honcharenko and Michael Andrec, curator of the exhibition "Depicting Genocide: 20th Century Responses to the Holodomor". The completed program segment is now available on their website and on YouTube. To our non-Ukrainian-speaking friends: there are no English subtitles, unfortunately...


Posted: 1 year 4 months ago

This past August, students aged 5-10 “traveled” through Ukraine during the “Passport Through Ukraine” Summer Camp–an event offered by the Educational Programs Department at the Ukrainian History and Education Center in Somerset, NJ. With “passports” in hand, participants traveled to 5 regions of Ukraine to learn about the culture, art and land of the area. Every morning there was a short lesson on the region and its history, followed by a curated craft to complement the lesson.

Posted: 1 year 6 months ago
Ninety years ago, millions of people died of starvation in Ukraine as a result of intentional genocidal actions by the Stalin regime. The Holodomor (from the Ukrainian: "Killing by famine") was part of a broad campaign in the late 1920s and 1930s that attempted to quash any residue of Ukrainian autonomy and self-determination by attacking the deepest sources of that identity: language, culture, and traditions centered on agriculture and the land.
Posted: 1 year 8 months ago
Stand with Ukraine
Lobby your elected representatives, make your views known, and donate!
Posted: 3 years 4 weeks ago
Stand with Ukraine

The Ukrainian History and Education Center condemns Russia’s unprovoked, unjustified, and unlawful war against Ukraine. It is a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Our hearts and prayers are with the people in Ukraine in these trying days, particularly with our museum and archives colleagues, the in-person and remote researchers whom we have assisted, and the artists and other professionals who have taken part in our events. Many of these individuals reside very close to the current war zones.

Posted: 3 years 1 month ago
Stand with Ukraine
Today, Vladimir Putin, the president of the Russian Federation, gave a speech that clearly demonstrated what the current crisis is fundamentally about. It’s not about Europe. It’s not even really about NATO or perceived threats to Russian security. It’s about the legitimacy of Ukraine as a nation, and it’s about two radically different accounts of history. This is nothing new. We call on all people and nations of goodwill to stand with Ukraine at this dangerous time so that history will not repeat itself.
Posted: 3 years 1 month ago
Ms. Irene Cehelsky

Today, February 28, 2021 is the 100th birthday of Ms. Irene Cehelsky, the long-time curator of the Museum of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA, now the Patriarch Mstyslav Museum of the Ukrainian History and Education Center. Here are some clips from a video about the museum that she made in the late 1990s.

The current leadership and staff of the UHEC owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Ms. Cehelsky's work in the early decades of the museum. We wish her good health and all the best!

Mnohii Lita, pani Iryno!

Posted: 4 years 3 weeks ago
UHEC fans decorating Christmas tree

Since COVID-19 won’t let us meet in person in 2020 to trim the UHEC Christmas trees and sing carols, we thought we could still share the holiday fun and bring everyone together virtually. We would love to share your video Christmas/Holiday/New Years greetings with the UHEC community during that virtual fundraiser.

Please send us a video clip with your greeting!

It should be no longer than 20 seconds with 2 seconds pause at the beginning and end of your greeting. The deadline is December 12, 2020.

Posted: 4 years 3 months ago
