
The Francuzenko Papers greatly strengthen the Center's collections documenting Cold War-era international broadcasting
The Chomicky and Tockston families donate the archives of their ancestor Fr. Gregory Chomicky, one of the first Ukrainian Orthodox priests in the US.
The Patriarch Mstyslav Museum at the Historical and Educational Center was recently honored to be the recipient of a collection of approximately 100 Eastern Christian icons.
On August 5, 2013, an unexpected package arrived at the Center containing church records from the 1920s and 1930s that were previously thought to have been lost or destroyed.
The Center was honored to receive the archival collection of Joseph Marmash, who was active in the Ukrainian-American community of Baltimore, MD.
The Museum receives a generous donation of two sculptures by the noted Ukrainian-American artist.

Keptar (vest). Sheepskin with embroidery. 19th c. Donation of Roman and Cecilia Turovsky.

"Thank you" to our recent donors of artwork, textiles, icons, and other artifacts.
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