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Recording of Dr. Mikhail Shtern at an event in Washington, DC during his tour of Ukrainian American communities in the United States after his release from Soviet prison and arrival in the West. His speech covers a wide variety of topics, including his work treating endemic goiter in the Ukrainian Carpathians, the circumstances of his arrest and trial, and his prognosis for the future of the Soviet Union. It is followed by a question and answer session.

Звукозапис промови доктора Михаїла Штерна у м. Вашінгтоні, підчас його подорожувань по українських осередках США після його звільнення з увязнення та прибуття на захід. Його промова охоплює широкий спектр тем, включаючи його лікування ендемічного зобу в Карпатах, обставини його арешту та судового процесу, а його прогноз щодо майбутнього Радянського Союзу. За ним слідує сесія із запитаннями та відповідями.

Recording date: 1977-10-08 Duration: 01:34:43 Creator: Maskymjuk, Stefan Language: Ukrainian

Speeches welcoming Leonid Plyushch and his wife Tetiana Zhytnykova by Metropolitan Mstyslav, a representative of the Ukrainian Congress Committee, the vice-president of the Ukrainian Institute of America Ostap Balaban. This is followed by speeches by Leonid Plyushch and his wife.

Recording date: 1976-03-23 Duration: 00:55:30 Creator: Maskymjuk, Stefan Language: Ukrainian

The Voice of America's coverage of the arrival of the Pliushch family in the United States. The playlist on the back of the tape box reads: "1) Плющ в США (3-27/76) 2) Плющ в Менгетен Сентер (3-28/76) 3) Плющ в Ню Йорку (3-29-76) 4) Плющ в Конгресі (3-30-76) 5) Плющ зізнє (в Конгресі) (3-31-76)"

Recording date: 1976-03 Duration: 00:25:20 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian, English

Recording of an event organized by "Human Rights Research, Inc." in Washington, DC at which Viktor Shtern, the son of the Soviet physician and dissident Dr. Mikhail Shtern, speaks on "The Common Plight of Ukrainians and Jews in Contemporary Ukraine". It includes material about his father's imprisonment, the situation in Soviet Ukraine, and Ukrainian-Jewish relations. After the speech, he takes questions from the audience.

Звукозапис заходу у м. Вашінгтоні, на якому промовляв Віктор Штерн про увязнення його батька лікаря-дисидента Др. Михаїла Штерна, суспільне та політичне становище в радянські Україні, та взаємовідносини між українцями та євреями.

Recording date: 1976-05-25 Duration: 01:05:31 Creator: Maskymjuk, Stefan Language: Ukrainian, English
Completion of the UHEC digital audio portal was made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.