All past events
Join us for a talk by Matt Weismantel, a volunteer at Ellis Island, who will consider documents generated during the immigration process and how to find and decipher the information they include.
In this workshop, young artists will learn about the history of the Ukrainian vinok flower crown and create their own vinok using a marker dyed method.
In this in-person workshop, guest artist Dr. Natalka Pavlovsky Weismantel will walk us through an exploration of the works and life of Maria Prymachenko, and guide participants through painting a replica of Prymachenko’s famous work “Flowers for Peace” (1965). Supplies, wine, and hors d’oeuvres will be provided.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, this event has been cancelled.
In this workshop, young artists will make their own sun-catcher paint and use it to paint a sunflower sun-catcher.
Join us for a presentation of the archives of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, founded in Kyiv in 1918 and now based in North America. The UBC's Archivist Mykola Murskyj will provide an overview of how a small team was able to create a systematic, digitized archive encompassing thousands of never-before-seen documents and photos, in addition to sharing some of the most exciting items they discovered.
Join fellow family history enthusiasts for the UHEC's annual spring Nashi Predky/Our Ancestors genealogy conference. This year's event will include 4 online talks with experts from Poland and the United States.
Join the Educational Programs Team at the St. Thomas Sunday Pilgrimage at the activity tent to make some Ukrainian Easter crafts.
Special exhibition featuring the artist's work on the 25th anniversary of her death.