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Radio Liberty program reporting on the events following the dedication of the monument to Taras Shevchenko in Washington DC in 1964, including the Youth Festival at the Washington Coliseum, a gala concert at Constitution Hall, and banquet at the National Guard Armory. Includes excerpts of interviews and speeches, as well as a clip of Jack Palance reading an English translation of Shevchenko's poem "Meni Odnakovo" ("I care not"). Reporting by Mykola Francuzenko (under pseudonym Oleksander Tereshchenko).

Радіо репортаж про заходи які відбулися після посвячення пам'ятника Тарасу Шевченку у Вашінгтоні 1964 р. Ведучий - Микола Француженко (під псевдонімом "Олександер Терещенко"). Подано інформації про фестиваль молоді, ювілейний концерт, та бенкет. Уривки провмов та інтерв'ю представників конгресу Рей Медден, Барратт Огара, Август Йогансен, керівник УНР Миколи Лівецького, др. Василя Кушніра, поета Яра Славутича, та голлівудських акторів Джек Паланс (Володимир Палагнюк) та Майк Мазуркі (Маркіян Мазуркевич). Також чути декламацію Джека Паланса вірша "Мені однаково" у перекладі на англійську мову.

Recording date: 1964 Duration: 00:26:36 Creator: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Language: Ukrainian, English

A historical and literary analysis of Anna Akhmatova's poem cycle "Requiem" by Volodymyr Biliaiv, followed by a reading by Mykola Francuzenko of selections in a Ukrainian translation.

Recording date: late 1980s Duration: 00:11:59 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Radio Liberty program produced in New York City with Mykola Francuzenko (as "Oleksandr Tereshchenko") on two concerts of Ukrainian music and dance at the 1964 New York World's Fair, along with interviews of a singer with the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka and the director of the dance ensemble.

Recording date: 1964 Duration: 00:08:57 Creator: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Language: Ukrainian

Live broadcast of the Paschal matins from St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles on the Voice of America. Principal celebrant is Fr. Stephen Hallick-Holutiak with co-celebrants Fr. Teofil Buzenko and Fr. Lev Porendovs'kyi. The "Oleksandr Koshyts'" parish choir directed by Gregory Hallick-Holutiak sings the hymns and responses.

Recording date: 1985-04-14 Duration: 01:02:44 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Radio Liberty program produced in New York City with Mykola Franuzenko (as "Oleksandr Tereshchenko") and Iurii Lavrinenko (as "Iurii Haidar"). Includes interview with Dr. Myron Zaryts'kyi of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America, the history of the Soiuz vyzvolennia Ukrainy, and the music of Spain. Musical selections have been shortened for copyright reasons.

Duration: 00:21:44 Creator: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Language: Ukrainian

Radio Liberty program produced in New York City with Mykola Francuzenko (as "Oleksandr Tereshchenko") and Iurii Lavrinenko (as "Iurii Haidar") covering the current life of Ukrainians in Australia, the 1902 peasant uprising in the Kharkiv and Poltava regions and the role of the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, and the music of Brazil.

Duration: 00:20:40 Creator: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Language: Ukrainian

Introduction to the radio series; statement by Metr. Mstyslav; gospel reading and "spiritual discusion"; statement of the Commission on Relations Between the UAOC and Ukraine; Paschal Archpastoral letter.

Recording date: 1989-05-07 Duration: 00:57:49 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "Spiritual Discussion"; "History of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church"; destruction of Ukrainian churches in the 1930s; sending Bibles and religious publications to Ukraine.

Recording date: 1989-07-01 Duration: 00:53:06 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading, discussion of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in inter-war Poland and Romania, the 1918 commemoration of Ivan Mazepa in Kyiv, and the 1919 appeal of the United Ukrainian Orthodox Parish Councils.

Recording date: 1989-07-09 Duration: 00:56:48 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "spiritual discusion", the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church during World War II, Nazi terror in Volyn in 1943, and obituary of Fr. Demyd Burko.

Recording date: 1989-07-15 Duration: 00:50:27 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "spiritual discusion", liturgical music from the combined Ukrainian Orthodox choirs of Minneapolis and St. Paul; the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church after World War II, news of religious life in the Soviet Union.

Recording date: 1989-07-22 Duration: 00:59:10 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading, sermon by Metr. Vasyl Lypkivsky on St. Volodymyr, history of the subordination of the Ukrainian Church to the Moscow Patriarchate, polemical articles by the UAOC in the 1920s, and report of the Commission on Relations with Ukraine of the UOC of USA.

Recording date: 1989-07-29 Duration: 00:55:39 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "spiritual discusion"; Ivan Vlasovsky, "Religion, Church, Nation"; Metr. Vasyl Lypkivsky sermon for St. Thomas Sunday; archpastoral visit of Metr. Msyslav to South America.

Recording date: 1989-05-07 Duration: 01:00:02 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "Spiritual Discussion"; Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods; Ivan Vlasovsky, "Religion, Church, Nation"; history of the UAOC of 1942; Valentyna Kuzmych on the United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods.

Recording date: 1989-05-13 Duration: 00:55:29 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian

Gospel reading and "Spiritual Discussion"; the feast day of St. Nicholas; Fr. Demyd Burko on the first liturgy served in Ukrainian; Ivan Vlasovsky, "Religion, Church, Nation"; summary of interview of Fr. Bohdan Mykhailechko; UOC of USA support for the Initiative Commission; contacts between the UOC of Canada and the Exarchate of Moscow Patriarchate in Kyiv; response of Metr. Mstyslav; Pavlo Zaitsev on Shevchenko's funeral.

Recording date: 1989-05-20 Duration: 00:55:04 Creator: Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA Language: Ukrainian


Completion of the UHEC digital audio portal was made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.