Concert with musical ensembles affiliated with the Ukrainian Democratic Youth Association (ODUM) at the 1974 ODUM "Zustrich" (convention) in Detroit. It was dedicated to the composer and conductor Oleksandr Koshyts, who had died 30 years earlier. It includes opening remarks by Mykhailo Smyk and performances by Minneapolis ODUM bandura ensemble; the bandura ensemble at the St. Mary Protectress Cathedral in Southfield, Mich.; the Chicago ODUM bandura ensemble; the Vesnianka dance ensemble of Toronto; solos by Valia Hulevych and Halia Haiova; the Fialky vocal ensemble of Detroit; the Chicago ODUM string ensemble; and the ODUM mixed chorus of Chicago. More information about the 1974 ODUM Zustrich can be found in the article "Dorohy vedut' do Detroitu", Moloda Ukraina, November 1974, p. 10-15. The collection also includes an original program booklet from the event.