Messed-up transit directions

The Center is located 1.7 miles from the Bound Brook station on the NJ Transit Raritan Valley Line, which provides service to Newark NJ and connecting trains to Penn Station in Manhattan.

It is also located approximately 5 miles from the New Brunswick station on the Northeast Corridor Line, which provides direct service to Penn Station and Trenton NJ, and connecting service via SEPTA to Philadelphia and via the River Line light rail to Camden NJ.

Taxi service is available at both Bound Brook and New Brunswick, and it is possible to walk safely from the Bound Brook station (if you do, please contact us for information on a shortcut that avoids the pedestrian-unfriendly intersection of Easton and Davidson Avenues).

Connections to Amtrak service can be made at Penn Station for travelers from points north, and at Trenton or Metropark from points south. Connections to LIRR trains to Long Island are also available at Penn Station.

Photo: some bozo

This is the Caption!! Yippee!