NashiPredky@Home: Introduction to Archives

UHEC archivist Michael Andrec explains how archives are organized, how to effectively do research in archives, and what kinds of information you might be able to find there.

Join UHEC Archivist Mike Andrec as he presents the first talk in the new monthly NashiPredky@Home series.

Introduction to Archives will explore the who, what, why, and how of archives, how they are different from libraries, and what kinds of interesting information can be found there. He will discuss examples from the UHEC's archives as well as other repositories. This talk will be geared towards archives novices and will be useful for genealogists and non-academic historians of all kinds.

This is a free event, but registration is required.





UHEC humanities programming during this difficult COVID-19 period is made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor


July 15th, 2020 from  7:00 PM to  8:00 PM