Gerdan Traditional Beading Workshop

Join Guest Instructor Stephanie Milan to make your own beaded bracelet, necklace or both! Gerdany are Ukrainian folk beaded necklaces made of seed beads in a woven or "net" like pattern. Traditionally worn with folk costumes, but make great statement pieces on their own today. All beading materials will be supplied to complete the traditional gerdan pictured. Adults and teens are welcome to participate and learn this traditional art form.

2 Sessions: Sept. 28 & Oct. 5, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Cost: $35 (for 2 classes)
Discounted Price if registered for both loom and necklace class

Participants will learn how to string a warp, weave beads together with the use of needle, thread and a loom following a prearranged pattern from start to finish producing a wearable bracelet. Previous beading experience is not required. This class is a two day commitment and depending on participants ability and speed, homework may be required to complete a bracelet by the end of the second class.


2 Sessions: Sept. 28 & Oct. 5, 2024
Time: 1:30 - 4:00 PM
Cost: $75 (for 2 classes)
Discounted Price if registered for both loom and necklace class

Participants will learn how to net weave and string together beads by following a predetermined pattern with the use of needle and thread, learn how to bring the ends together to clasp and complete a wearable gerdan necklace. Previous beading experience is not required. This class is a two day commitment and depending on participants ability and speed, homework may be required to complete the gerdan necklace by the end of the second class.


Stephanie Milan learned how to weave gerdan over 30 years ago from Chrystyna Prokopovych at UAHF dance camp, continued learning techniques from Chrystyna at Manor College,  beaded through Maria Rypan’s Gerdan books, and traveled to the Ukrainian Museum in NYC for loom classes. She has previously taught two Gerdan traditional beaded necklace workshops with the Ukrainian History and Education Center and has taught many individual lessons over the years to those interested in learning how to weave their own Gerdan. She loves her Ukrainian cultural heritage and continues to immerse herself in all things  Ukrainian; cooking, baking, music, caroling, embroidery, learning the language, teaches weekly Ukrainian dance classes, practices Petrykivka, and continues to bead Gerdan in her spare time. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and two young sons. 


Donations are gratefully accepted. 

The UHEC Library Gallery will be open during the workshop

Questions, contact the UHEC at 732-356-0132 or email


September 28th, 2024 10:00 AM to October 5th, 2024 4:00 PM