Ukrainian Refugees Then and Now: Comparing the 1940s and the 2020s

History does not repeat itself: there are many differences between the massive wave of Ukrainian Displaced Persons after World War II and the current wave of those seeking refuge from the full-scale Russian invasion. But there are also many similarities. Join UHEC archivist Michael Andrec and Anastasiia Chapman of the Church World Service for a comparison of history and current events.

The UHEC Archives holds numerous collections that document the experiences of Ukrainians who fled from the Soviets in the waning days of World War II and ended up in Displaced Persons camps in Germany, Austria, and elsewhere in Europe. Many of them were eventually resettled all over the world -- including to Great Britain, the United States, Canada, South America, and Australia. The UHEC has papers of individual refugees, the records of those helping them in the resettlement process, and records related to the distribution of relief aid.

Michael Andrec will present some highlights from these collections. He will be joined by Anastasiia Chapman, a case manager with the Church World Service. CWS is an inter-denominational relief and refugee aid organization which is not only helping with today's wave of Ukrainian refugees, but which also helped the Displaced Persons of the 1940s (records of which are in the UHEC Archives). Anastasiia will comment on the similarities and differences of contemporary refugee relief procedures and record-keeping between the 1940s and the 2020s.

This is a free event; donations are gratefully accepted.

View the event recording on YouTube:

October 25th, 2023 from  7:00 PM to  8:00 PM
Event Fee(s)
Voluntary donation $1.00