Crafts for Kids with the UHEC: Ukrainian Wedding Rushnyk (Virtual)

 Registration is closed for this event
In this workshop, young artists will learn about Ukrainian wedding rituals and make their own wedding rushnyk (ritual cloth) with the Tree of Life motif.

A rushnyk is an embroidered long ritual cloth. Rushnyky were not only a part of the bride’s dowry but also played a role in the wedding ceremony itself.  The wedding rushnyky were usually embroidered in red (with a little bit of black and white) designs and usually featured the Tree of Life motif. The Tree of Life symbolized a connection between different generations of the same family, the infinity of life or the 3 levels of Universe (roots are the underworld, trunk is the earthly life, and upper branches are the heavenly powers).

In this workshop, young artists will learn about Ukrainian wedding rituals and make their own wedding rushnyk (ritual cloth) with the Tree of Life motif.   

This is a live, interactive workshop and will not be recorded. 

You must provide your own supplies for this workshop.

Suitable for grade school aged children. Seating is limited to 25 participants.

Taught by Oksana Pasakas, UHEC Education Programs Coordinator

This event will take place ONLINE, but registration is required. 


Supplies list:

  • White cloth (could be precut to resemble an embroidered cloth) or purchase a white kitchen towel, muslin cloth, or flour sack towel (can be cut into two rectangular strips)
  • Glue or Fabric clue
  • Scissors
  • Red Yarn
  • Red Felt
  • Templates from packet (pg. 4)
  • Protected Workspace

This workshop is FREE, but registration is required. The day before the event, you will get a personalized link to access the workshop. 

Donations gratefully accepted.

July 17th, 2022 from  1:30 PM to  3:30 PM
Voluntary donation $1.00