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Voice of America radio program on the 30th anniversary of the ODUM Ukrainian Democratic Youth Organization, the Ukrainian artist Oleksa Terziiev, and an award-winning play by the Ukrainian Canadian playwright Ted Galay.

Duration: 00:17:24 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Interview of Voice of America correspondent Izrail Kleiner by Mykola Francuzenko regarding the Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky (Volodymyr Zhabotyns'kyi), particularly regarding on views on politics and Jewish-Ukrainian relations.

Duration: 00:19:14 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Unedited interview of Metropolitan Ioan (Teodorovych) by unknown female interviewer, and commentary by C. Warvariw. Interview covers the coming 50th anniversary of the 1921 Sobor in Kyiv, reminiscences of his arrival in the US, the Ukrainian Orthodox League, and the current state of the Church. The commentary gives more details about the Ukrainian Orthodox League and its 22nd Convention in Philadelphia.

Recording date: 1969 Duration: 00:28:36 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

A Mother's Day-themed program by the Voice of America. Includes musical performances by "Khor Pyzhukа Romanova" and the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, and a talk by "Fr. Myroslavs'kyi" (likely a pseudonym).

Musical selections have been trimmed for copyright reason

Duration: 00:09:59 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

A historical and literary analysis of Anna Akhmatova's poem cycle "Requiem" by Volodymyr Biliaiv, followed by a reading by Mykola Francuzenko of selections in a Ukrainian translation.

Recording date: late 1980s Duration: 00:11:59 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Live broadcast of the Paschal matins from St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles on the Voice of America. Principal celebrant is Fr. Stephen Hallick-Holutiak with co-celebrants Fr. Teofil Buzenko and Fr. Lev Porendovs'kyi. The "Oleksandr Koshyts'" parish choir directed by Gregory Hallick-Holutiak sings the hymns and responses.

Recording date: 1985-04-14 Duration: 01:02:44 Creator: Voice of America Language: Ukrainian

Completion of the UHEC digital audio portal was made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor

Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.