Dedication of the Memorial Cross in St. Andrew Cemetery (1971) and blessing of outdoor altar (1972)

Ukrainian History and Education Center Media Collections
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00:00:23 - Title cards for the dedication of the Memorial Cross 00:00:38 - Far shot of St. Andrew Memorial Church 00:01:31 - Views of assembled representatives of organizations 00:02:09 - Far shot of veiled cross 00:02:26 - Registration tents and vendors 00:03:05 - Attendees 00:03:26 - Procession preparing to leave church 00:03:29 - Assembled procession departs church 00:06:32 - Arrival at the memorial cross 00:06:50 - Speech by Metr. Mstyslav and views of crowd 00:07:57 - Unveiling of the cross 00:08:11 - Trumpeter playing "Taps"? 00:08:40 - Speech by unidentified individuals and lighting of fire 00:09:33 - Placing of the Mazepa kleinod at the foot of the cross 00:09:55 - Choir (Vasyl Zavitnevych, conductor) and Metr. Mstyslav censing the cross 00:10:16 - Metr. Mstyslav reading prayer and blessing the cross 00:11:27 - Close shot of base of cross with wreaths and flame 00:11:33 - Mykola Mukhin "Cossack" grave monument 00:11:46 - Title cards for the blessing of a "permanent outdoor altar" on the recently-purchased portion of the Metropolia Center property

Play segment

Segment Synopsis: Ironically, this "permanent" altar no longer exists.

00:13:57 - Procession from St. Andrew Memorial Church to the altar site 00:17:53 - Arrival of the procession at the altar site 00:18:19 - Metr. Mstyslav speech or prayer 00:18:40 - View of crowd 00:19:13 - Metr. Mstyslav speech 00:19:18 - Wider shot of the altar 00:19:24 - Further shots of Metr. Mstyslav, Bp. Mark, and the crowd