The Ukrainian History and Education Center began its existence as the Museum and Archives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA.
The museum was founded in 1966, and grew out of the donations of the personal collections of Patriarch Mstyslav and Konstantyn and Olena Moshchenko. Since then, the museum collection has expanded greatly through the generous donations of many individuals, families, and groups, and now consists of over 15,000 items. In its early days, the musem displayed its collections in the basement of St. Andrew Memorial Church, but this damp space was not appropriate for items of such importance. In the late 1980s, an initiative was undertaken to construct a new museum building, and today a modern 30,000 square foot facility is three-quarters complete.
The archival collection consists of hundreds of collections donated by many individuals and families, both famous and "ordinary" since the 1960s. It also serves as the public repository for records of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the predecessor jurisdictions of the UOC of USA, and the papers of the Church's hierarchs and priests.