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00:00:07 - Speech by Nadia Svitlychna 00:04:56 - Petro Grigorenko's connections to other activists

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Segment Synopsis: On Petro Grigorenko's correspondence with Oksana Meshko, Vasyl Stus, Valerii Marchenko.

00:05:29 - Activists who remain in death camps 00:06:00 - Activists who remain in psychiatric hospitals 00:08:27 - Lev Kopelev on the life of Vasyl Stus 00:10:42 - On the reasons for the killing of Vasyl Stus 00:12:19 - Reading of poem by Vasyl Stus 00:15:01 - The significance of Stus's poetry 00:16:15 - The fates of Stus's friends 00:17:31 - A demand for punishment for Stus's killers